Set an approval message

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Note: Only some people within your organisation will have these options associated with their accounts.


Members of your team with authority to approve order forms can create and customise their own approval message.


This message can be used to indicate whether you are available or not to approve order forms.


For example, your message may tell buyers that you are on vacation or away on a course.


This helps buyers to know whether it's a good idea to choose someone else from the list to approve their order form.


To access this feature, click on My Account in the top menu and then click on Approval message in your profile information.




The current approval message and various options are then displayed.




To edit the message, simply type in the text field and then click on the update approval message button.
To turn the message on, select the Show Approval Message tick-box. Buyers will then see your message if they select you to approve an order form.
To turn the message off, simply de-select the Show Approval Message tick-box.


Click the Back button to return to your profile information.



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