Apply delivery pricing schemes to catalogues

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Note: You need to be logged in as an administrator for the options described on this page to be available to you.


After having set up delivery pricing schemes for suppliers, you can apply them to each supplier's catalogues.


Select Administration from the main menu bar and then click on Manage Suppliers.




A list of suppliers is then displayed - with a series of icons shown to the right of the listing.




Click on the catalogue icon that appears with a supplier's listing.




Any catalogues linked with that supplier will then be displayed. Click on the catalogue name if you want to add a delivery pricing screen.


The option to apply a delivery pricing scheme to this catalogue then appears.




In our example, a delivery scheme called 'charge 1' has been applied to this catalogue.
If you click on the blue arrow, then a drop-down menu will appear with any alternative delivery schemes that you set up earlier.




Select the delivery scheme you require and then click on the update button to finish.


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