View search results in different screen layouts

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After you search for products, the results can be viewed in three different ways.


Note: The system remembers the last view you selected – and uses this for the next time.


This default view is called the List view. It lists products with a photo (where available) in a top-down list showing some of the product details.


There are two other ways to view the results using the View as buttons on the right.




If you click on the left button, this will give you the results in the Grid view, where listings appear side-by-side with photos and the price.


Note: Where no product image exists, a message stating No Image Available will be displayed.



Clicking on the right button will give you the text view on your screen but with no photos displayed.




Note: This list view does not have a Details button to click on for each product. Instead you click on the magnifying glass at the end of the row for more about a product.


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