View Punch-out Supplier listings in different screen layouts

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To view your Punch-out Suppliers, first navigate to the Punch-out Suppliers page.


When you arrive at the page, your Punch-out Suppliers will be listed.


The list can be arranged in two different screen layouts. The default view below is the List view.


Note: The system remembers the last view you selected – and uses this for the next time.


You can alternate between the default view - and a second view that lists suppliers with their company logos.
Look for the View as option at the top right of the screen to switch between the two views.
The Grid view is selected by the icon on the left while the List view is the icon on the right.

The Grid view looks like this ...
If you click on the logo, then you can punch out directly to the supplier's web site
If you click on the word Details, then a pop-up screen will appear with details about the supplier.



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