Add suppliers within My Basket

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Rather than finding suppliers and then adding their products to your basket, it's possible to launch a search for suppliers directly from My Basket.
This method is especially useful if you are adding non-catalogue (free text) items to your basket.

First, select My Basket from the main menu (see Navigate to My Basket if you need help doing this).

Your basket is then displayed, listing any items it contains.

Click on the Add supplier button.
A pop-up window then appears with a number of options.


Click Browse Categories to find a supplier. A level-by-level list a categories then appears.
For more details on how to select suppliers this way, see How to Browse by Category.


Two other options are also available.


You can type a category name, for example 'paper' and then click on Search categories to find suppliers that sell paper.
Various types of paper are listed beneath (with their sub-categories in the next level).
Note: If you know the type of product you need (eg paper) then this method may be faster than browse through all suppliers.

The third method of adding a supplier is by searching for a supplier name.
Normally, you would use the Supplier Directory to search for a supplier by name.
However, using the following method, you can add the supplier to your basket and enter free text (non-catalogue items) to the basket.
First, type a Supplier name (or part of a name), for example 'office' and then click on Search suppliers.



The list of available suppliers with that name are listed in a drop-down menu.
Highlight a supplier and click on the Add supplier button.
The supplier then appears within My Basket - with blank order fields, ready for you to complete.




Because this is a non-catalogue supplier, their order entries are made manually using free text method.
Click on the triangle icon at the end of the row to open up the order details.




You can then add the details of the item - such as value, VAT and item number - before clicking Update Basket.



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